Monday - Saturday
8:00 am - 5:00pm



Mr. Touma, I wish to thank you wholeheartedly for your intervention with our team following the on-site passing of their immediate Supervisor. Your human approach, professionalism and multilingual skills enabled the proper messaging of the unfortunate news to the team. The team’s appreciative feedback clearly demonstrates your ability to connect with the folks and offer assistance in coping through their bereavement process.

Shane Lacharité
Président, MFI Inc.

Professional, attentive, accessible and good communicator, these characteristics make Ghaïst a person with whom we can create a sense of trust. His team coaching skills and his well-adviced recommendations have enabled us to solve major team work issues and to promote balance in our department.

Michelle Richard
Conseillère principale, ressources humaines, Domtar

Thank you for all the support you gave us during the difficult situation our organization had to deal with. The employees are satisfied and thankful for the great care and knowledge you provided. Your talent has allowed us to feel supported and to get well.

France Mercier
Directrice administrative, Rona Longueuil, Rona Longueuil

Your approach corresponds exactly to the approach we use and insterestingly it takes into consideration the specific cultural component of the Haitian culture. Thank you for your precious support to the Haitian people.

Ginette Maguet
psychologue et directrice de la santé publique en Haïti, IDEO