Monday - Saturday
8:00 am - 5:00pm


Coaching and Training

Coaching is a useful way of developing people’s skills and abilities and of boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems.

Here are a few examples of questions that you can answer with the benefit of coaching:

  • How can I manage my time better to achieve all I want in life?
  • What should I do next in my career within the organization?
  • How can I reduce the stress in my job or my life?
  • How can I achieve a better balance between work life and home life?
  • What skills do I need to grow and develop further?
  • How can I improve my relationship with a specific colleague?

The team coaching process is beneficial for both managers and team members directly, as it is used to educate members about:

  • The nature of teams
  • Elements of a good team
  • Impediments to good teamwork and how to overcome these

Every team is a collection of individuals who bring their own unique blend of experience, background, education, values and styles to blend together and to form a unique team dynamic. Every team dynamic is different and there is no one prefabricated formula, therefore interventions need to be tailored to the situation and challenges at hand.

Whether a team is coming together for the first time or if it is facing changing team dynamics with new members or a new manager, or ongoing team conflict, this process allows the team:

  • To discover, clarify and own their problem
  • To develop an applicable plan of action
  • To overcome the barriers
  • To be held accountable for the results
Trainer in action

Every team is a collection of individuals who bring their own unique blend of experience, background, education, values and styles to blend together and to form a unique team dynamic.